Can you read? Unusual surname "Tokorojinne" is not pronounced "Shokamine"Can you read? Unusual surname "Tokorojinne" is not pronounced "Shokamine"


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Learn unusual surnames


Can you read? Unusual surname "Tokorojinne" is not pronounced as "Shokamine"

``Tokorojinne'' is a surname found in Tategami, Ago Town, Shima District, Mie Prefecture, and is one of the names said to have originated in Shima Prefecture.
Tategami, Ago Town, where Mr. Tokorojinne lives, is a place name recorded in the Northern and Southern Periods, and is an area with a ria coastline with many coves. Today, it is also known as a fishing area for cultivating pearls and seaweed. During the Kamakura period, this place was said to have been the sacred territory of the Ise Grand Shrine, and until the early modern period, it was also a rural area where people worked as carpenters.



According to one theory, the origin of Tokoro-jinkon is presumed to be near a place where a god is worshiped, and the kanji characters for ``tokoro (= place),'' ``kami (= god),'' and ``root (= root of things).'' It is as if the meaning of the word tells the story of how it came to be. The general reading of the surname is ``Shojine'', but there are also surnames that are called ``Shoshine''.



Tokorojinne = Shojinne



``Tokorojinne'' is a surname pronounced as ``Shojin''. It is said that there are about 20 people in Shima City, Mie Prefecture, and about 10 people in Ise City, and there is also a small number in Nishi Ward, Kobe City, Hyogo Prefecture.

What is “knowing unusual surnames”?
It is said that there are approximately 30 Japanese surnames, including different readings. We will introduce some of the most unusual surnames, their pronunciations and origins, as well as areas where they still exist in large numbers.



Reference books: Dictionary of difficult to read surnames, written by Masanori Shindo, Shonansha, 47 prefectures and surname encyclopedia, written by Hiroshi Morioka, Maruzen Publishing, Kishiwada City official website


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Learn unusual surnames

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