What is the 72nd No. 72 “Waijiao Kai”?
Deer antlers are both a fighting weapon and a symbol of maleness. The term 麯斯斯 refers to the time when the horns fall off in order to be remade to match the growth of the body. Iku, which means a large deer, is also read as ``nareshika'' and is known as the Japanese name for reindeer.
In China's oldest medicinal book, the Shennong Bencao Te Ching, deer antler is one of the rare and expensive herbal medicines, and is said to be the divine medicine for immortality.
Sawashikaku solution = Sawashikano Otsuru
The 72nd term ``Kakukai'' is read as ``Sawashikano Otsu''.
Twenty-four solar terms: winter solstice
Seventy-two candidates: Kujikaku
Period: May 12th to May 26th
Learn about the Japanese calendar “72 calendars”
There are not only four seasons in Japan: spring, summer, autumn, and winter, but also the 72 seasonal seasons, which start with the first day of spring in early spring and end with the cold weather of late winter.The XNUMX seasonal seasons are further divided into three parts, making the year XNUMX seasons. The story progresses along with the ``calendar,'' a seasonal calendar divided into equal parts called XNUMX seasons. We will introduce you to the XNUMX kanji, which represent the subtle changes of the seasons, and how to read their kanji.
Premium Calendar
Learn about the Japanese calendar “72 calendars”
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